Una splendida giornata trascorsa a Napoli con i miei amici Shawn e
(A wonderful
day spent in Naples with my friends Shawn and Michiko.)
(Everything has started with a visit to the NATO base in Gricignano (Naples) this summer, where I discovered that the United State citizen living there do not even get in touch with our culture. Disappointed by this discovery, I decided to introduce my friends to Naples and its ancient history.)
Ho cercato di spiegare
ai miei amici la differenza che c’è tra l’Italia del nord e Napoli. Nella mia
città sembra di stare in un altro paese, nel bene e nel male. A partire
dai suoi abitanti che hanno vivaci atteggiamenti cosa molto
nuova per altri popoli. Ci si diverte ma spesso le situazioni hanno un fondo di amarezza. Si incontrano varie difficoltà vivendo a
Napoli e ci vuole un grande spirito di
(I tried to explain them the differences between north and south of Italy. Indeed in Naples it feels like being in another country, in good or bad ways. Starting from its people, very friendly and vivacious, new feelings for people of other nation. It’s a very happy way to live, but sometimes it gets into sadness. There are many difficulties in Naples and everybody must be adaptale.)
(I tried to explain them the differences between north and south of Italy. Indeed in Naples it feels like being in another country, in good or bad ways. Starting from its people, very friendly and vivacious, new feelings for people of other nation. It’s a very happy way to live, but sometimes it gets into sadness. There are many difficulties in Naples and everybody must be adaptale.)
Lunedì 17 settembre decidiamo di fare il primo giro turistico della città. L’appuntamento è
alla stazione della metropolitana di Aversa, la meta stabilita il quartiere Vomero, la zona collinare di
(On Monday the 17th of September we decided to go for a sightseeing of the city. The appointment was at the metro station of Aversa at 8.30am, the destination was Vanvitelli square in Vomero district. It’s very easy to reach this area from the city centre of Naples, indeed we took the “funicolare” (train used to reach the top of the hills, on which Naples is built) from Toledo street, close to Plebiscito square, towards piazza Fuga (Escape square). )
(On Monday the 17th of September we decided to go for a sightseeing of the city. The appointment was at the metro station of Aversa at 8.30am, the destination was Vanvitelli square in Vomero district. It’s very easy to reach this area from the city centre of Naples, indeed we took the “funicolare” (train used to reach the top of the hills, on which Naples is built) from Toledo street, close to Plebiscito square, towards piazza Fuga (Escape square). )
Nel secolo XVIII il Vomero era luogo per la villeggiatura e vi erano numerose ville. La zona in quell'epoca era agricola e difficilmente accessibile dalla città bassa, ad essa collegata da antiche salite ancora oggi percorribili come località Petraia una suggestiva zona caratterizzata da bellissimi scorci. Nel primo dopoguerra il Vomero era diventato un elegante quartiere residenziale. I collegamenti con la città bassa subirono un miglioramento, con l'entrata in funzione della funicolare Centrale nel 1926.
(In the eighteenth century the Vomero was a place for a holiday and there were many villas. The area at that time was agricultural and difficult to access from the lower city. In the first World War, the Vomero had become an upscale residential neighborhood. The connections with the lower town suffered an improvement, with the entry into operation of the funicular Central in 1926.)
Una volta giunti in zona
proseguiamo a piedi fino a Castel
Sant’Elmo situato a 10 minuti di cammino dalle fermate della metro e della
funicolare. Dal castello si scorge uno scenario davvero incantevole, si
gode di una vista unica della città,
le sue isole, il golfo ed i monti, tanta è la loro bellezza. Un piccolo suggerimento l’ingresso al
castello è gratuito se si arriva prima delle 10.
(Once we arrived, we walked up to Sant’Elmo castle, 10 minutes away from the funicolare station. At the castle we found a breathless view of the landscape, where we saw the entire city from a sky view: its islands (like Capri), the gulf and the mountains of the Amalfi coast. A tip to the reader, if you arrive at the castle before 10am, the entry is free.)
(Once we arrived, we walked up to Sant’Elmo castle, 10 minutes away from the funicolare station. At the castle we found a breathless view of the landscape, where we saw the entire city from a sky view: its islands (like Capri), the gulf and the mountains of the Amalfi coast. A tip to the reader, if you arrive at the castle before 10am, the entry is free.)
la visita alla certosa di San Martino che nel
1866 fu acquistata dallo Stato e
destinata a Museo nazionale di storia napoletana. Prima di entrare alla
Certosa consumiamo il mitico caffè napoletano! Scopro che l’aroma e il sapore del caffè
hanno completamente conquistato anche i miei due amici.
(Then we went to visit the San Martino’s certosa (a monastery), next to the castle. But first we stopped for a proper Neapolitan Coffee! My americans friends were entranced by the aroma and the taste of the REAL coffee.)
(Then we went to visit the San Martino’s certosa (a monastery), next to the castle. But first we stopped for a proper Neapolitan Coffee! My americans friends were entranced by the aroma and the taste of the REAL coffee.)
museo vi è una chiesa con varie sagrestie che sembrano tante gallerie d’arte.
(There was also a museum in a church, with various sacristies decorated like an art gallery of ancient times.)
(There was also a museum in a church, with various sacristies decorated like an art gallery of ancient times.)
sezione navale e carrozze reali.
(A naval
section and royal carriages.)
Il teatro, tanto caro ai napoletani, purtroppo venne demolito nel 1884.
(There was a theatre section as well. There we found pictures, stamps and painting related to the San Carlino theatre. It was a popular theatre during the 19th century, like the famous San Carlo theatre. There it was born the famous “mask” of Pulcinella, substituted then by FeliceSciosciammocca, another theatrical “mask” created by Eduardo Scarpetta. He bought and redecorated the theatre, by then in ruin. But in the end it was demolished in the 1884.)
(There was a theatre section as well. There we found pictures, stamps and painting related to the San Carlino theatre. It was a popular theatre during the 19th century, like the famous San Carlo theatre. There it was born the famous “mask” of Pulcinella, substituted then by FeliceSciosciammocca, another theatrical “mask” created by Eduardo Scarpetta. He bought and redecorated the theatre, by then in ruin. But in the end it was demolished in the 1884.)
Shawm mi ha confidato che dopo questo tour ha apprezzato la città.
Tutte le bellezze del luogo vengono spesso offuscate da fatti
di cronaca che confermano a noi napoletani e a chi viene da fuori il degrado. Molti esprimono pessimismo per questo e si
sentono schiacciati da una sensazione di impotenza. Ma allo stesso tempo
ci sono tantissime persone che continuano a sperare, convinte che adesso è
proprio il momento giusto per credere nel magnifico potenziale che gli esseri
umani possiedono.
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